Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Up Up And Away!

Raleigh's droppin' me off at SFO friday night, I'll be back around the 20th of December.
Anybody want anything from Myanmar?
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
How about them Giants?
Nov. 15 AL Rookie of the Year
Nov. 15 NL Rookie of the Year
Nov. 16 NL Cy Young Award
Nov. 17 AL Manager of the Year
Nov. 17 NL Manager of the Year
Nov. 18 AL Cy Young Award
Nov. 22 NL Most Valuable Player
Nov. 23 AL Most Valuable Player
Nov. 15 NL Rookie of the Year
Nov. 16 NL Cy Young Award
Nov. 17 AL Manager of the Year
Nov. 17 NL Manager of the Year
Nov. 18 AL Cy Young Award
Nov. 22 NL Most Valuable Player
Nov. 23 AL Most Valuable Player
Black...It Rhymes with Orange
Monday, November 08, 2010
This Is How Michael Caine Speaks
"Self-righteousness feeds on itself."
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Veteran's Day is Upon Us Once More...
Gettysburg Address from Adam Gault on Vimeo.
"Can you say, 'Happy Veteran's Day?'. "I can. I get the day off with pay and then I'm going to Big Sur." Some folks don't like birthdays or anniversaries either.
Let's get the band back together...
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