Sunday, May 22, 2005

New Rooke Of The Year Spring Fest

Please be on the lookout for a newbie by name of Kym Dimond (cyberhandle) who will attending her first ever Berry Fest at Howdyville-from SoCal, previously a KPIG dj and Santa Cruz resident of years ago. She may pull in before me n Bernie do. Nice lady, may have a guest with her.

She, much like Yer Unkle, does some reenactment period stuff . . . is into old time smithy work, too!

Make her welcome, n don't frighten her too much at first, ok? She's a bit nervous about all this, and had nowhere else really, to try and fit in for her first fest.
Thought that offering her a spot at Howdy was in line with what Howdy Was In The Beginning, and is, still, today . . . . . I'm thinking, there's two dudes smiling down on this and feeling good about it . . . . ;-) They'd prolly hit on her, too . . . . ;-) You wolves leave her alone n let her lasso her OWN! ;-)

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