Friday, April 18, 2008
"Your're the Great One, I'm Marty McSorley, You're the Concorde, I'm Economy"
Let it play on...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Um, Yeah.

Another great weekend of music at Cozmic Cafe, 594 Main St. Placerville -
Call 530-642-8481 to reserve your ticket now!
Friday, April 18
Idgy Vaughn with Will Sexton, 8 PM $12 Advance/$15 Door
Folk / Twisted Texamericana
Election Season Guide From the Village Voice
Don't even try to click that link if you don't actually read. Just don't. It'll confuse you at first and then make you angry and bitter.
Round The World
I have NO clue as to what Tub's been postin lately, but he's on a roll.
I THOUGHT the Mudcrutch show was 'sposed to have been a good one, but who can tell?
Dave, talk to me about this Round The World what invaded yer harbor.
Who'm I 'sposed to believe, The Sentinel or YOU guys?
Quack..quack quack
chuckchuckchuckchuckchuckchuckchuckchuckQUACK! QUAAAAAACK!!!
Yeah, that's it...
Except for hanging out in line getting beer, watching all the local Heartbreakers hanging out at the old Santa Cruz Hotel, folks charging the stage, flasks in the dark...yeah, babe.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Broadwalk Fridays!
The Gin Blossoms???
How'd they get so oldies, so fast?
How'd they get so oldies, so fast?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I need to get out more...maybe go to the beach...or something...

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