Friday, August 10, 2007
Dude! Stacy makes the Chron!
I hear tell it's sooo hot in the middle of the red states that...

This one's for you ladies out know who you are...
Just sitting around waiting for candidates to show up and...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I stumbled upon this
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Plenty of time for card tricks...

Monday, August 06, 2007
Festivus 5.0 @ 8000 Ft.
Well, we done celebrated the 50th B-Day of 'ol Festivus at an incredible location about 15 miles up past Bear Valley......WOW! It was so beautiful up there! Nice gatherin of about 20 Berryheads, great dinner & campout on Highland Creek, complete with nice little swimmin holes & incredible scenery everywhere! Me & Packer had some great jams, & Nick in there makin' it all nice & swingy. Missed all the rest of ya's, But Festivus will be doing it again in about 50 next time.....!
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