Thursday, February 10, 2005

Clint Eastwood is a Commie

"What do you have to give these people to make them happy?"

So, I still haven't had time to figure out this whole "blogger" thing....what, do I have to be a member now er something? What, has Howdy all of a sudden gone "Uptown" on me? I don't really wanna give out any more personal info on this damn web..just means more junk mail from what I've seen so far. Come on now "Mr. Webmaster", tell it to me straight....

Geez, wah wah wah...What personal info? How about lying? Just join up and post the stuff will you? Who cares? Like you don't have a full mailbox every day anyways. This is a Google site so they know everything and you can't hide. What are your fears? Maybe you should face them instead of hiding. I have a real good idea for anyone concerned about this..."Don't give us your credit card info on a messageboard." [end rant
Hi, this is George Orwell, it's good to see 1984 comming true.......We know who you are, and where you live. Oh by the way, IT'S 2005!!!!
'Kin site. Lost my password. Agghhhh!!!!!!

In response to Dave:

"We're all gonna die, anyways."

Keroack-The Father Not Found
Lost your cliche. I guess we got all sorts of nicknames for it but "lost my password" just doesn't work...for me.
How 'bout "Musta double clicked"?
Awright! Seems like fest season is here, and everyone is in fine form with the standard cliche's!!!!!

'Nickname for it' is a keeper, though. One for the ages. I kinda like, 'Pass The Chipotle' myself.
"Drop the Skwirrell"?
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