Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Easter ... Again

So, the Barb and Ronnie show aren't going to make it to Big Sur...Toby can't make it now, None of Wendy's sisters can come. So unless there's any takers I'm cancelling the reservations for Fernwood. Going once....

Lurkers speak up now if you're going please.
I'm up for saturday night.
Cuz said he'd be on for a Saturday too. Dubwise is playing upstairs.
Yeah, but Cuz's easy, from what I hear!

I'd love to go, but I'm no longer allowed to have unsupervised male friends, or go near rivers. I'll shoot for Boy's Weekend 2006 . . . . with income increases, time off accrued, n the gradual fading of memories dark evil . . . . I should be off parole by then . . . (GRIN)
Does this mean Aunt Larry got a job?
Uh, no. Sorry, didn't mean to mislead. But, things are HOT, and gettin hotter with the temp agencies, and I got stuff workin just recently that keeps me happy I won't be workin as a greeter for $10 an hour. I say, two weeks or so, middle of March, n I'll hafta resign from the internet. ;-)
Larooster...a greeter? Must be one of them cattle rancher conventions, or a gathering of the Unshorn Sisters of the Apocolypse.
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