Friday, February 11, 2005

Is This Good?

One Of Yer Own's Finest?

Yes. Our County Clerk sent a letter of recommendation to the Governator the other day. We were hoping for this guy. He must be good because a Republican from Santa Cruz??? How can such a guy get elected? I heard we were the most left-wing, commie county in the state...well, except for Alameda.
Alabameda? Yer killin me. Left wing Alabameda don't include Oakland and the Panthers, does it? I thought THAT (Oakland/panthers) was a seperate nation. You know, like The People's Republic, etc. Huey Newton, Huey Long, Fig Newton. It's all good if you can hit hard and hang onto the ball I 'spose . . . .
You forgot Huey Lewis and Isaac Newton....Sir!
Issac Newton was born in the ghetto? A poor black child?

Oh, Juice Newton, too.
Juiced Newtons? I'll stop there.
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