Tuesday, March 22, 2005

KickAss Grass!


I know, we've all got a gizillion streams, a bizillion cd's, not to mention all that dead tape and vinyl in the closets of our minds, but still, this is pretty good.

Just found about it today, courtesy of a cba post. Great mix of old grass, newgrass, and all kinds of artists. Rhonda V, Peter Rowan, Iris Dement, Tim O Brien, n more in an hour I listened to.

LOTS of stuff with reso on it, think that's why it caught my squareneck ear? lol

Best to all.

Fer GAWDS SAKE...GET...A...JOB!!! You're killing yourself listening to that hillbilly inbred banjer nonsense. Nobody can take it for too long until they start making moonshine and managing bands. or worst, PRODUCING FESTIVAL!!!
Now! There's some constructive input for Larueski in his career search: Moonshine production & Band Management! Just think of the benefits! There's a great old book that'll learn ya all the shinin' doin's: called the FOXFIRE Book. Actually created a half-assed still whne I was 12 with a friend from it! Good thang I never dun did drank anythangs from it thow...
Geez, ya try n help a buddy or two . . . . they just played some Sammy Bush, too . . . 'inbred banjer nonesense' . . . you say that like it's a bad thing. My fav latest walkin cd is Dirk Powell's "Time Again". 'Waterbound' knocks me out . . . . if ya hadn't heared that one, ya should, One Glove . . . spooky n dark, just like the river, n you, too . . . :p

Oh, n THANKS Cuz, for a bit of reality and understanding. You tell that Zeke Boy to lay off the copper tubing. Dawghouse players know the love . . . you share the love hoss, while yer still this side of a century, never know when it all shrivels up n falls off . . . course, I'd blame the moonshine, n Oklahoma, for the most part. ;-)
Hey, Hey , Hey, now you lay off Oklahoma... my g'dad was a fine ole moonshiner there and he never lost a customer...
Miz Linda
So, apparently now you can pull the truck right up to Sam's Warehouse and get 500 lbs of sugar and they acutally believe you're making fudge. Then you go to Walmart and get the yeast and they just go along with the "bake sale for Jesus" angle.
I actually saw a truck (red of course) with stuff written all over it like, "In case of rapture this truck will be driverless" I guess his God can kick my God's ass.
Oh, and the Rapture already happened back in 1960. Two old ladies from Guymon were the only ones taken.
Moonshine? Naw, all the 'shiner's went into meth production!

N with only them two little old ladies risen, I guess that explains the world condition nowadays. The devil's moved above ground to claim his own! lol

Jean Luc Ponty, Stanley Clarke, Bela Fleck. Fall Fest. Wow.
Ahoy, Paloy...Rather jazzish for the meadow this autumn, what?
'jazzish' . . . yeah, n prolly too polished, too, too studio, too over produced, too lounge like. I've never seen Jean Luc, seen Clarke a bunch in the early 70's. I will LIKE this set! Too bad, I always wanted to see Darryl Stuermer (sp) who did great git work with Jean Luc in the early dayz (Aurora). HEY! Nashville Bluegrass Band in Spring! I LOVE THIS TOWN!
Ok, MY street cred and rep is shot all to hell (like I had any of either). As Dobro Bro Bill puts it at Berry Fest Site, it's Casey Dreissen on fiddle and Bryon Sutton on git, with Bela Fleck in the Fall Fest. My bad, but, still NOT a bad scene to be at!!!!!
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