Friday, March 04, 2005

Proof that Bonds in a jerk. This poor, young, innocent minor leaguer just wanted to know what brand of topical cream Mr. Bonds uses on his sore muscles and the snarling, standoffish, cheating 'Superstar' beat him severly about the head and shoulders then threw balls at him. Shocking.
Bonds giving Daniel Ortmeier some batting instructions following a team workout.
You have 30 seconds, Bob.
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Yeah, but he's still the best damn slugger this game has ever seen! He's gonna slam the record book this year, foul mouth the media in good spirit, and I heard he's considering playing hockey if his knees get better! But I guess until they "drop the puck", it's Baseball fer all!
Neea couple of Camp Howdy at The Park Days this season, ya think????
Neea couple of Camp Howdy at The Park Days this season, ya think????
Jerry Rice, Barry Bonds. NO ONE, can ever touch them, nor their work ethics. THE BEST, EVER!
I still miss Thurman Munson, though.
Anytime you folks wanna Sacto it, we got Triple A A's Rivercats for $15, in the most beautiful small park ever built. All that, and 110 degrees at game time, too. But, it chills to 90 pretty quick . . . lol
I still miss Thurman Munson, though.
Anytime you folks wanna Sacto it, we got Triple A A's Rivercats for $15, in the most beautiful small park ever built. All that, and 110 degrees at game time, too. But, it chills to 90 pretty quick . . . lol
"Hey kid....Use the cream, and yer bat'll never go up like this again. And don't ge me started about the balls"
'The best slugger baseball has ever seen'?
Sure...... it could be you, with a syringe, and a little help from yer friends, er Yes..there's something wrong with that!
'The best slugger baseball has ever seen'?
Sure...... it could be you, with a syringe, and a little help from yer friends, er Yes..there's something wrong with that!
Say what ya will, Munson was a scrapper. Got his uniform dirty every game. Loved him. Catchers are a special breed. He was the pedigreed.
Dude, don't get me started with catchers....Bench was the true blood. Munson was a gorilla. I'm going to stop right there out of respect for the dealy departed.
Bench was good, I always liked him. A Hall Man, and he earned it. Good backstops are rare. Munson was one of them. I had to sit thru Tom Haller, and watch John Roseboro for many years at The Stick. Tenace was fun. But, they wasn't Hall Men. Fisk, Carter. MY fav was always bad ball hitting Yogi. Campy, Cochrane and Dickey always had decent stats offensively. And, I read all about them, when I was a kid. Backstops are a rare breed. MOST of them
WERE gorillas! Even Fisk n Carter that nice boy ( I HATED him) . . . . 'kin catchers ain't SPOSE to be nice!! Snarlin, tobacco spittin, blood splatterin GORILLAS! Yeah. lol
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WERE gorillas! Even Fisk n Carter that nice boy ( I HATED him) . . . . 'kin catchers ain't SPOSE to be nice!! Snarlin, tobacco spittin, blood splatterin GORILLAS! Yeah. lol
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