Monday, April 04, 2005

Get Well Neil

Hate to have to add him to the long list of memorials.

Yeah. Sumbitch is 62 or so, ain't he? Still think of him, and all of us, as in our 30's . . . . must be the pipe dreams again . . .
I mean, holy crap, Neil Phookin Young is in his 60's . . . where'd it all go, how did it all go so fast . . . I was just cruisin Skyline Boulevard after work at Uncle John's Cabin n Neil was at the Bella Vista n jammin at 3am . . . . . it's GOOD though!!!!
I think we all owe tery a debt of gratitude for making us all aware of the dangers of ordering whatever nonsense that was about. A laurel and hearty handshake to our new idiot.
What's a dazzling urbanite like yourself, doing in a rustic setting like this?

"I get no kick from champagne", or is that 'Out on the Highway'?
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