Monday, April 11, 2005

Infinite Poker Game and Athletics Opening Day

We're opening a new "Men's Crisis Center" tonight at 425 Alta Loma in Santa Cruz. After work. Tonight. Baseball, adult beverages, games of chance. Initiation is a $10 buy-in. Usual rule apply. (Dealer's choice. No loaning the Surfdawg money without paying off his debts first. Checking the Surfdawg's hand PRIOR to allowing him to rake in the chips. No betting your morphine.) We hope to see people there often. That's a small place for Ray, Cuz and the Surfdawg to be holed up in but the gentle sound of chips clinking together matched with the crack of the bat should help. No cameras.

The Home Office
Go A's, Go Davies Clan, Go Howdyville Dudes. Bat cracking and chip clinking are soothing sounds, indeed. Along with the burps, farts, and beerswillin sounds, it's DudeVille. Stephen will feel right at home . . . . ya might wanna put in a mandatory Hawaiian Shirt rule . . . .
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