Sunday, May 15, 2005

Larue N Bernie Are Bonifide!

Got our two tix this afternoon. A circuitious Avalanche Choir Connection from someone that knows me from the email list and website.

"Oh no, I know who you are. You can send me a check. I have been reading yer stuff for a year or so now. I KNOW who you are!" LOLOL

Said person is hooked up with Reg Kinner from Barstow . . . . . so, see ya there, then, bout noonish, in HowdyVille. A very special fest to be, methinks . . . . .

Love and miss all y'all . . . . Bernie N Larue


Noonish? Is there a day involved or just any of them?
Noonish . . any time of the day or night when the likes of YOU n yer kind can be found sawin logs in a chair with a stiff cold one in yer paws, grippin that frosty adult malted berverage like Bill Munro gripped his Gibson . . . not to be confused, of course, with NOONERS . . . which is NOT suitable for this fine site frequented by SOME people's chillin's at times . . . . the BHH is a Zekism, I 'spose, for BwahHahHah?
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