Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Rockin Old Tune

Can't help it, got me a digital copy of Richard N Mimi Farina's best stuff, just last week, at the used bin cd store.

There's too much to tawk abooot no one wants to hear about folk singers from 1965, but hossess n hossettes, there's this ONE cut. It's total electric, and full a drums, and Bruce Langhorn just rips up note (dang, edit here, it was Grady Martin leadin this affair )Joan Baez fav player he was) the liner notes say, KILLER lead git) after note with lead work as a rhythm player, and Mimi is ROCK STAR LEGEND screamin the vocals . . . . the drummer is ON it, and all over it, this tune rocks.

Ya know, them two, never wrote down their music. There's no tabs. N even THIS digital cd, isn't in the same tune, song to song. NO WAY to play along, cept to tune to each song, real pain.

Anyhoots, I digress.

Morgan The Pirate. I SWEAR, if you hear it, you'll smile,and flip, and wanna shake yer booty. Ok, it's NOT a 4/4 dance tune, but, man, I swear, it rocks n rolls n stirs my heart.

Loud. Electric. Drums. Mimi. Go figger, huh. N go lissen, if ya kin find it. I'll bring it to Howdy.

Morgan The Pirate.

Killer tune.


Leave it. Like bringing sand to the beach. There's enough folked up music to skin an cattle up there already with bringing more. Wasn't the Cream o' Wheat twins the height of the great 60's Folk Scare?

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Yer all whacked out, the Lot of you. Stoned still, like pillars of salt lookin back to see what they missed . . . . . ya never miss it less ya don't have it with ya . . . n Like Cuz, I allus bring it when I come. I can use headphones. Sides, the music's in yer ears anyhoots.
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