Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Um, Food For Thursday? Anyone?

Anyone wanna do a Camp Meal Thursday for openin ceremonies?

HowdyVille only, for the most part, this tme, this fest? Kinda special thing . . . .

Lamb leg would be cool, but, expensive and slow n a camp stove . . .

Anyhoots, Everyone pitch in for food n stuff thing kinda

Oink me direct, if yer interested in a communal partnership kinda thing . . .

I got Pita's for that round covered. Of course . . . . ;-)

What was I thinking of, posting a real question and a serious thought, in HERE of all places!!!

You ALWAYS bring it with you Cuz, when you come. We just don't rightly know what to do with it, sometimes . . . . ;-)

That's a good old Kweskin song, that is . . . 'Bring It With You When You Come' . . . Campworthy, I believe . . . google time.
of course you know we're in....just let us know what direction you want to go in...
Well, I'm thinkin, I make it to Modesto, turn EAST, and I got it licked!!!!!!!

Nah, I give up Evan. I'll just pour Rita's some for a ritual n leave the food thing alone.

Safer that way, n everone does their own thing. ;-) (no wasabi in chili accidents)

What with getting into camp a bit later, n all, with that later gate opening, let's just make sure we all have fun, and less planning is better it seems!

I wanna play music, listen to music in the meadow, and party some, inbetween.

On the other hand, if it's muddy, rainy and wet, CAMP will be a home base FAR more for all of us than normal, and we will need 'distractions' galore!!!
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