Thursday, July 14, 2005

This'll Mess Up Some Scrips

Bummer. There goes local sales.

I hear tell, the SMART ones, grow it on platforms, UP in the redwood tree's.

Way up high, so to speak. Clever.

They either bucket up water, or rig water feeds that are unobtrusive.

Sure beats lettin park rangers bust yer chops. N a camp site that gives ya away.

Not to mention, the guns n such mean, The Emerald Triangle is in YOUR house, folks.

Guess there will be no more sleepin in the car in the redwoods up there, huh? ;-)

Oh you outlaws in Dah Cruz . . . . . ;-)

Yup...mountain hooligans. typical newbies to the sport of mountainhorticulture. A 22 caliber rifle? Gimme a break! Must've been squirel huntin er something. Heck, the local's paintball guns got more horsepower than a .22 cal. Said they were foreign nationals, or new friends from Tiajuana...who knows.

Whatever the case, and regardless of what the feds are trying to turn around, we here at the County Health Department will STILL issue the approrpiate Medical Marijuana Identification Card to any citizen in possesion of a verifyable Doctor's prescrition for same.

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