Sunday, August 07, 2005
Just Jonesin

Cuz looks like he's dreamin of a cold beer and some warm Irish whiskey, starin at the bar with them 'faraway eyes' of his.
It's a happy glow, it is.
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I dunno Larue....they all look mad to me, like somebody stole their horses, or worse yet their whiskey. Or perhaps they were told they couldn't camp in line anymore. Maybe it was the fact that the bar stopped sellin' Snoshoe. I talcom powder at the General Store!
Story sez, Zeke was wearin yer party dress, and you fell asleep, uh, in, uh, THE CHAIR, yeh, that's it . . . . lol
Actually, she was passed out on the we got that party dress passed around the Linda ended up naked on the chandileer....& then woke up with that duct tape...I dunno nuthin...jus nuthin!
Throw in some hornito's, m&m's, skwirrels and a nine iron, you bout got MY best story line I ever told. You folks are GOOD, when ya wanna be . . . . bad. That is.
"Chandalier? What chandalier? I don't even HAVE a chandaleir, and you can go home and ask my wife!"
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"Chandalier? What chandalier? I don't even HAVE a chandaleir, and you can go home and ask my wife!"
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