Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Some Pictures

Anyone have anymore?

I think the photographer must've gotten a'hold of my flask!
Yeah, no tschitt. A rottweiler coulda shaped up better at times (insert my crap about dogs here).

Nice tree canopy, though. Plumage, n such. Patty? In fog plumage?

N the pic of Cuz, wow, Gandalf, on a bad mahrnin, after a nite of Bushmill's n dawghouse support.

THAT one's a keeper!!!!
:smile: :smirk:

I know I missed a lot. I'll try it again next year. But please, NO one give ME any more shit. Dave went to Hooter's?!!!!!! You people kill me!!!!!!!

N no Pub Jam's? Hmmmmmmm . . . . .
I guess it was so crowded in Munchen for Oktoberfest that all the Germans came to SF and crowded us out of the hotel. Besides, we had so much fun Friday there was no room left in the fun bucket. Except for Sarah but she's young (but swears she's not wasting her youth.)
Nor am I "re-living my 20's"...but what do men know.

Saturday morning you were re-living your 20 shots of vodka from the night before.
A Grand time to be sure..Gee's I don't remember the fog being so thick....Maybe it just blended with our heads. I had a great big FUN time.....No worries......
What, did Zeke buy a red sports car too? He ain't even 50 yet . . .

German's? Velly Funny, But I STHINK you messed it up.

Bless Artie Johnsons's lil spiked helmet soul . . . .
Potato Whiskey Is Evil.

yeah's a Mercury Melange, you know...the one with the Bong Shifter!
That's "Bong". Try it for ten days and if you aren't satisfied, I'll buy it back from you. BON-guh.
Melange? Spice is nice?

After ten days of hittin on the BONGuh, most folks won't remember if they liked it or not, much less to return it. Guarenteed customer satisfaction toy!

Smartly whacked, Perfessor.
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