Friday, October 07, 2005

Something for all you kin White Sox fans.

Register only, Hoss, that article link.

Sox kilt Sox. Ugly.

So, what's WITH this psychik bloe job n other post by's we get in here?

Can I respond knowing this IS an adult environment?

Or, do I gotta play nice cuz KIDS might be in here . . . . . ;-)

Kids bein most anyone under 50, that is . . . lol
Hey-Zeus! So the next time you get a timely bit of link action from me, big boy, try to use a login of "" and a password of "surfdawg"? Don't worry gregfans, I've got that worked in elsewheres.
I'm better now. So, you can say any dang thing you feel like, hoss. I delete spam as I see it so just pretend it don't exist.
It's been a tough baseball year for me, so I guess I understand yer angst, what ever it is.

I sure liked a few innings earlier this week with Smoltz and The Rocket at it. N a dude put a bunt down, with two outs and a duck on. Man, I miss that kinda bazaball . . . Chico Esqueala is rollin in his grave, I bet. :smile:

White Sox. Clubhouse champagne. THAT's something I never thought I'd live to see either.

Gotta go see who won the Braves N Astro's game tonite. Saw three innings, good ball. Wow, that Sosa has arm . . . just a few mistakes, but, bazaball's a game of inches . . . . 'don't look back, something might be catching up to you'. Love that Satch.

Cards V Sox? Go LaRussa.

So, can I cuss in here?
'Bazaball bin berri berri good to me.' Fun timer at the Paco Fest. Great hearin' that 'ol Burrito Bro's sound again. Continental Drifters were killer! Followed it all up by a nice opening Randy Boys set on sunday. Good Timuh. Hey martin....stop channeling Elvis, it's just weird. "We're not a jug band....we're a flask band".
That wasn't Elvis, that was Conway Twitty. If he was channeling Elvis, it's not my fault.
So that's what they call grabbin a handful of butt. Channelling. Man, I am SOOOO out of touch with hip, adn butt . . . . why I, I, almost feel like I'm, wait for it . . . Twittypated . . . . .
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