Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Fernwood ....tic toc tic toc

Seeing as it's November already, just wanted to send out a reminder to all the boys that our anual festivity is closing in on us. If you haven't reserved a site yet I would suggest doing so. I believe so far we've got 17, 18, & 19....so if you're getting a site try for something close to those.

Beer, Ice, & Firewood......I'll bring the poker chips.

Hmmm . . . with THIS kinda response ya might hafta let the chicks in this time just to cover costs!!!!! :grin:
"Cuz although he got the message, he was deaf to the news.....there are no chicks in Santa Cruz"
You get that much action in Fernwood Holler n you'll all look like the flood scene from O'Bother!
Not without good ol Larueski half under the river water with a stranglehold on that rootball...not without that, of course....
Rootball? I was harvestin medicinal herbs!!! Make sure everyone ropes up after 2am if they leave the fire.
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