Thursday, December 29, 2005

New Year's Eve??

waz up for this sounds like rainy New Year's Eve????????

anyone back in town yet??

Boy Howdy & All! *whew* just flew in from Vegas & boy are my arms tired!!.... Well, not really, but it was a long drive anyways. Good to be back to the left coast again after a week in the desert...tis different out there in more ways than one, & always good to be back in da Cruz. Sooooooooooo, besides HBR & Tony Furtado Friday night at the Cat, what's happening on New Years Eve itself??? Anybody? Beuhler???
Me , the Cheese, and a few squirrels are hunkerin' down in the snow here in the godfersakenflatlandsthatgodwontletgo. Kinda cool, went to the frozen harbor, hung out at the Saginaw Bay Yacht Club(frozen over),went to the indian casino, hit an irish pub, all kinda freezin' stuff!New Years sounds fun, I'm lookin' forward to some pickin. Couldn't find anything here but Pat Benatar, Styx, and the occasional mullet. Good german wine too. Be back some time tomorrow. Ask larue about the squirrell.

What the hayall are you doin in Saginaw, MI, BareFoot Boy?

I was headed out tonite for HBR N Tony, but, tomorrow is up EARLY, for Memorial On The Bay in The City, so, someone post how YER show is tomorrow nite . . I'd be curious to hear what Tony plays and sings . .

Welcome home all waywierd, er, wayward, Howdians . . . PartyPik On Cuz Ya Can! After all, it's Halloween tomorrow, and the circus . . . you know . .
Hey larue, check yer email. also here's one more from the camera phone.

I'll feel just like Batman.
Hey all, I might show up for HBR and TF tomorrow at the CAT.
But new year's eve I'm heading for the hills. I'm ringing in the new year up in the snow.

Do you all know about Chris Thile and Mike Marshall at the UC Performing arts center on the 7th? should be a great show.
Dave, I got nuttin.

Oink, anyways.

DORIS!!!! How the heck are ya!

Thile N Marshall, that don't suck.

Davis, huh? Hmmmmm . . . . . .

We is savin for The Mystery Train, for our January Birfdays, I owe's Honey, big time, so, I think budget's shot for Mystery Train, Napa Valley.

Wanna take a train ride, anyone? :grin:

If so, oink me for a link to times, dates, and costs, ohhhh those costs . .. ;-)
Upon further review....we have a reversal! Can't get into Chicago tonight, it's snowing and flights are cancelled, so we're spendin' another night in the great flat north. Hopefully flyin' out tomorrow mornin', spendin' a couple hours in Ohare, and then home. If all goes well should be at Rosies Playhouse by the evening. Well... we asked for snow........
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