Sunday, January 29, 2006

Showdown in Motown

Looks like it's my turn. Suber Powl Party at Martin's. Kickoff is 3:30 so mon by anytime in the afternoon. Bring your favorite canapes, beer, ice, firewood. I'll have the grill ready to fire up at any time. Go Seahawks (left coast, baby)

Dang I whisht I could throw down a party like you are . . . and actually have people show up!!!!

Party On Folks!
Main Entry: can·a·pé
Pronunciation: 'ka-n&-pE, -"pA
Function: noun
Etymology: French, literally, sofa, from Medieval Latin canopeum, canapeum mosquito net -- more at CANOPY
: an appetizer consisting of a piece of bread or toast or a cracker topped with a savory spread (as caviar or cheese) -- compare HORS D'oeuvre

Hey, maybe we could substitute rice for bread. Then we could use fresh, raw tuna for the spread..mmmmm...wasabi...
Hey! Speaking of Canepas.....That guy owes me money!

Nice new shop though....
Main Entry: Can-e-pa
Pronunciation: 'kan-eh-pAH
Function: noun
Etymology: French, literally, penis, from Medieval Latin canopeum, canapeum mosquito net -- more at CANOPY
: a dick
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