Sunday, February 26, 2006

Spring Training

Camp HowdyIn other words, boys, girls and precocious house pets, what we have here is a festival of "Day-To-Day." It's fantasy baseball reduced to its barest essentials. Call it "Frank 'n' Barry," with all due apologies to the sugar-charged and taste-depleted cereal of the same name.

Screw that!...still winter, rain's back, & them pesky Olympics are finally over. Now back to our regularly scheduled Hockey Season....DROP THE PUCK!!!!
Hockey? What's hockey? Who has time for hockey with all the poker on TV?
And the varnishing and rigging and plumbing and painting and varnishing again and............

I need to get out more.
Party at Larue's.

If all y'all show up with food, liquor, instruments, wimmen's, n yerselves at the same time, I promise to start a party.

Even on a school night. Swear.

Carry on now, lads.
....and the eatin' and the drinkin' and the pickin' and the wimmens and the partyin'.....

maybe I need to stay home more?
Yeh the way you's all taught me to be continuously so grounded... yuk...
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