Tuesday, March 14, 2006

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As a not so well known receptionalyst once said: "How's about NO?"....well folks, from the management perspective, SEIU is just as loose as usual, no direction, with little to stand on. Yes, they did have a 1-day strike today, and yes, it apparently made some of them feel free, at least free enough to "lie" to patients of Health Services trying to vere them away from our clinics. Pickiters were found telling patients in Watsonville to go away because the clinic was closed due to the strike. Needless to say, the clinic was well open, with doctors present to serve patients in need, even though the strikers were trying desperately to divert them away. Further, at 1080 Emeline, the CAT's were trying to tell the strikers that they had successfully closed down the Watsonville Health Center by getting Doctors, who by the way are precluded from taking part in any strike activity visa-vi their own bargaining collective agreement, of which they are now in violation of and will be dealt with by County personnel for calling in "Sick"...wow, that some how seems to fly in the face of, what do they call it, a "Hipocratic Oath"??? Now, there's hypocracy at it's finest, eh? What was pleasing to me though was to just returning from the Watsonville Health Center and getting to "correct" Union officlas about their missleading message to the troops, not that SEIU has ever misslead their troops...since misleading troops is the sole job of our commander in chief. Yes, so I've got an oppinion about it all. Which only seems fair seeing as I've been receiving oppiniopns now from severl hundred clowns since 5:00am this morning. Soooooooooo SEIU folks, is this really worth your while? Do you really think that you're all gonna get your "Retro" pay? Good Luck I say. What they should really attempt to do is get their own Union, Message, and Facts straight before pissing off the Tax Payers any more than you already have. I somehow found it difficult at times today in both of our clinics, to try and explain what they were all striking about to folks that didn't have two nickles to rub together in an effort to get some kind of services that our County supposedly is here to provide. Yes Virginia, Santa Cruz is still the town where everyday is Halloween, and the Cirucs truelly never leaves town. I wish you Union fellows the best of luck with your leadership and direction, and only hope that these actions don't further the mistrust and disbelief of our County and the services that we're trying to provide. Ya know, you don't HAVE to work for the County. Best Wishes to all of us, Good Night...and Good Luck!
As I said in my candidate statement for the local chapter, ".". Thank you. There's no executive director. Now there's no executive board. The "Team" called a strike I think just to get everyone on the same page. I just wonder how it is that the CAO knew before WE did when the meetings, strikes and actions were held. We heard that the hordes would trample through the building at 3:30 today, trashing the place and putting up stickers! STICKERS!!! Call out the cops. 4 deputies on each floor making sure management and their esential toadies (me and Crystal) we're harmed and no esential surface was marred by a STICKER. Crime and suffering were suspended for a day along with sense. Of course all the rabble did was march through the building chanting. I think I heard that my department was the only one still open high-fiving and cheering on the marchers. The courts, Assessor-Recorder had their doors closed and windows blocked. I guess some departments on the second floor have a higher panic threshold than others.
All hail the private sector! The only strike I ever see is from lightning. From what I know of county pay, and benefits, and yes, other counties may get paid more, which means people could leave for better paying jobs, but if you compare that to the pay and benefits of us workin' folks, I'm not complaining mind you, the county's got it dicked (to use a political term). I'm all in favor of gettin what you want, but to put services at risk seems a little foolish. I really think they ought to have contracts with cost of living projections for several years and get them signed. Then if you don't like what you're being paid, like Eric Dickerson, you can go somewhere else. Now if it's contract negotiations yer talkin' about.....the sky's the limit baby...ask for everything and don't settle till yer happy...
Just a Tip.
Just a Tip.
So, we're working without a contract, hoping management would take care of us in good faith. Funny.
1. Workers want a payraise and they want it retroactive to October 1. 2.5% soon turns into millions of dollars.
2. Since we've had costs for retirement and healthcare increased without a contract, we pay it all and the workers want management to pay a good sized cut AND...wait for it...RETROACTIVE TO THE END OF THE LAST CONTRACT...soon turns into millions.
3. Management knew this was coming but are so old, tired and lacking in forethought they haven't planned for this.
4. Poor Zeke works with nurses and that can't be pretty to see them on a picket line.
5. This happens every 5 years whether we need it or not. Same management team in place doing the same panic-stricken freakout. The same union mob mentality losing money on the picket line and sooner or later, management will somehow come out not only ahead but patting themselves on the back for doing such a swell job.
1. Workers want a payraise and they want it retroactive to October 1. 2.5% soon turns into millions of dollars.
2. Since we've had costs for retirement and healthcare increased without a contract, we pay it all and the workers want management to pay a good sized cut AND...wait for it...RETROACTIVE TO THE END OF THE LAST CONTRACT...soon turns into millions.
3. Management knew this was coming but are so old, tired and lacking in forethought they haven't planned for this.
4. Poor Zeke works with nurses and that can't be pretty to see them on a picket line.
5. This happens every 5 years whether we need it or not. Same management team in place doing the same panic-stricken freakout. The same union mob mentality losing money on the picket line and sooner or later, management will somehow come out not only ahead but patting themselves on the back for doing such a swell job.
Good points from all angles gentlemen! If only SEIU & "Management" had these same intelligent and heartfelt discussions. As you see here I have highlighted "Management". That term needs a little clarification, for the sake of "Mid-managers" if nothing else. In both Labor Actions that I have been involved in here at the County, there is a terrible misconception amoung Union members (at least the ones that like to heckle me) that all managers are part of "Management", as used in discusions of labor negotiations. Yesterday, after deflecting some fairly weak, at best, sghots towards my management self, I tried to explain this to a few unionites. "Listen, I as a middle manager have absolutely nothing to do with the negotiations between SEIU & "The County", or "Executive Management", or as is simply used and ultimatey confused in this tense "management". I even had the same thoughts for my bosses, telling them that there is a terrible disconnect between executive & middle management. They want "us" to do their dirty work, enforce their loftly policies, without any planning or information mind you, and as well take the heat on the battle lines with you, my brothers, union memebers. Tis a twisted little basket we've been woven into wouldn't ya say lads? *LOL*!
WEll, all I can say at this point is: Friday is St. Patricks Day and I'll be more than happy to lead the Pub Crwal down the Pacific garden mall, which will eventually end up at the Attic to watch "Whiskey in The Jar".......or at least, sip some whiskey from that management glass!
WEll, all I can say at this point is: Friday is St. Patricks Day and I'll be more than happy to lead the Pub Crwal down the Pacific garden mall, which will eventually end up at the Attic to watch "Whiskey in The Jar".......or at least, sip some whiskey from that management glass!
I'm in. Already got apres sushi off and I'll meet my date somewhere later. Rosie McCann's and the Poet are musts for the list.
Apparently Zeke's already started his Pub Crwal! Best of luck in the comming negotiations.
Meanwhhile back in the boatyard, the woodwork and varnishing goes nicely. Hay Cuz, it's time for the counter tops. Got all the galley sliders redone in teak. Had some sort of purple African hardwood that just clashed with the whole white oak and mahogany thing.
What do I do with a bunch of 1" Bubinga?
7:38 PM
Meanwhhile back in the boatyard, the woodwork and varnishing goes nicely. Hay Cuz, it's time for the counter tops. Got all the galley sliders redone in teak. Had some sort of purple African hardwood that just clashed with the whole white oak and mahogany thing.
What do I do with a bunch of 1" Bubinga?
7:38 PM
1" Bubinga?
Everyone has a nick name for it. I guess. 'Spose. None of my biz really . . . . :whistlin: :stillwhistlin:
Everyone has a nick name for it. I guess. 'Spose. None of my biz really . . . . :whistlin: :stillwhistlin:
When life gives you Bubinga, make Bubingade. Guibourtia Demeusei. Make knife handles with green blades? Itty bitty guitars? Chess board?
Bottom boom? Ooops, that shoulda read . . .
N then we had a cigarette n fell asleep . . .
N then we had a cigarette n fell asleep . . .
Akshually, kinda nice to see a heavily politicized but professional rant turn into a schpeal of sexual depravity.
Things are normal, again. ;-)
There's just not enuff smut on this forum. ;-)
Things are normal, again. ;-)
There's just not enuff smut on this forum. ;-)
So, the clerks were doing a work slowdown to show strength in unity but no one could tell the difference so they're marching to the Supervisor's Chambers today at 10ish. I just wish we could have a really good chant like the Brazilian Soccer Team supporters.
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