Friday, May 12, 2006

No Hockey...and it's May...

Man, this is hard. I usually have some NHL action to keep me occupado this time of year when I'm not leaving for a festival yet. So I have to read stuff like this.
See there were two types of dominate peoples,
1. The Big Man IS SON OF GOD!!! OBEY OR YOU WILL DIE!!! Big Government with laws and rules of order enforced by the supporters of the Big Man who is the SON OF GOD. Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Calyphs, the Chinese.


2. The Super Light Cavalry from the grasslands kicking ass and taking over through a fine knowledge of the natural world, using the belief that life is hard and only the hardest and fastest will eat enough of it's neighbor while making sure the neighbors don't eat you. The Mongols, the Hun, the Comanche, Kiowa and Cheyenne.

The white guys got lucky and hit America at just the right time. The Cheyenne and Comanches had just had enough time to figure out that dang horse and were starting to gear up, especially with the fancy new rifles. The small pox and related plagues hit them just as their numbers were rocketting out of the 1500's mini Ice Age. Another couple of generations without conquest and the American Native would have had a couple of huge wars and the victor would own the land between the Rockies and the Cumberland Gap.

This link is the story from 3000 or so Before the Common Era of the first group. These are the people who became the guys who built Classic Greece, Ancient Rome and the Sewers of Paris. They also became the Pharoah's Guard, the Centarians of the Legion, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights and the Corporate Rulers of the World.

You got my attention, but, anything bright n shiny still catches my eye.


Love the Egyptian link. Great read.

Love YOUR postulates, of the riders of the grasslands, in the 1500's, n how close they were to Rockie's To Cumberland rule.

The Inca's, and the, uh, Oh, Aztecs, were all powerful in their time, too.

European diseases, in the 1400's forward, whether smeared in blankets n given to the native populations in an effort to kill them off, or just transmitted thru sex and general proximity, were the bane of most of them cultures.

Well, if ya get beyond the slaughter of the Conquistadors.

The rest, in the 1600's forward, in the name of Manifest Destiny's Profits, were pure territorial grabs, with no holds barred, and kill the native at all cost for the white man's expansionist needs.

Great stories, you got the gift, and I'm always bowed by yer wow . . . . great post to open, great link.

Damn, Tubthump, Keillor sitll got nothin on ya. Well done I say, give him the clap!!!

Snap, snap, snap . . . . . Bravo!
Ancient Meso-Americans followed the Number 1 example. They failed when an even more powerful Number 1 example proved that the Son of God was human by making him bleed in front of the congregation. The Spanish had no amount of hell with the Number 2 example in America. They did pretty good with the hunter/gather tribes or tribes already beaten to hell by the Comanche/Kiowas. After the 1500's the change in rain patterns dried up the American southwest and the Navajo, Pueblo and the like were losing ground.
Rain Pattern Changes? They don't teach that stuff in school . . . well, not when I was in. Good stuff.
I'm just getting warmed up! Hell, I got a million of 'em.
*GAWDALMIGHTY*! Get that boy to a Festival STAT! :o)
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