Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Another view.....

Why does Pic 1 look like Cuz in Egyptian Garb in the background?

I don't DO hallucinigen's, anymore, n I'm pretty sure I don't have flash backs.

Geez, that thing LOOKS atcha as ya move!

Wubba wubbba wubba THUD!
Ran into the dance pole didya . . .

Like I said, that vision I had, it ain't there, no mo.

My pops WARNED me about that Pernot . . . .

Martin had some good words on that subject, too.


Not the dancin poles . . . or the Checkov's.
Wow dave, time to buy another boat, that one's almost done.
Soon as I get that rigging done.

and the dodger....

and the radar....

and the...oh wait! That's IT!

Khaki Dodgers? How about Green?

It's not khaki, it's #6028 Toast. And I think it would be a fabulous color for a Baseball uniform. Kinda earthy ya know.
To quote George Hamilton, "And I know toasted."
apparently it's a standard sunbrella color.
What? You think I'd special order?
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