Friday, October 20, 2006

Finally Some Progress......

"It's Not A House, It's A HOME!"

The handle bar on the toilet speaks volumes.

Geez Martin, I BEEN to yer place, at least ONCE I recall, ain't no room in yer closets for THAT puppy!!

Nice work hoss, lookin good . . . :smile:
There's Three! Poles that is. And it's a 'head' Larue....Thank's for the kind words, this is why you haven't heard from me in a while (hush martin). Commin' together slowly but surely..... soon as I get that rigging done!......Ha! Beat ya to it Zeke. Hopefully, Thanksgiving in Stillwater Cove?
You folks start thinking about a ThanksGiving party somewhere, shoot me some details.

That MIGHT be doable . . . . . Anywhere round the Monterey Bay . . . we could be good to go for that . . . with beer, ice, and firewood.

Oh, boats, less firewood . . . less they catch fiwer . . .
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