Sunday, October 01, 2006

How the FOOK do you post and reply to this thing?

1. Click on the "BLOGGER" icon in the top left or click on the above link.
2. Sign in to the dang thing. It says, "Already have an account?" if you do sign in and if you don't, please register. Yep. 502 Beach St. Santa Cruz. Make it #14 if you need to specify the volleyball court you live in but register because it slows the spam. The link says, "Sign in to the Blogger" on the link on the top and sort of right.
3. Click on Camp Howdy. Well...some people have more than one blogs on here they're registered in.
4. Under the "Posting" tab, click "Create".

The rest is easy.

Except the Word Verification. It's hard to read, can't be copied and pasted. Can't figure it out at time. But don't press the "ENTER" key. To finish the post and follow through, click the "Publish Post" button.

If you want to comment on a post, I've fixed that dang thing too. I have no idea what the thought police were up to for our benefit. But now it should work better for comments. If it's broke, give me an email. Please.

What the HAYALL are you tawkin bout?
It would appear that somebody's been cavortin' around the idea of winning the ellusive "Unclear On The Concept Award" again. I knew it was only a matter of time.
Midnight phonecalls asking why they can't see their comment. Emails would work better than calling me after midnight to discuss blogs.
Oh. Geez . . .

"That boy just ain't tight."
Cuz, that SHOULD have read, "That boy just ain't RIGHT", not tight.

N why you'd run spooked from THAT, I don't know, less yer a friend of Foley.

Sides, I hear you cant' even stay UP till midnight anymore.

Yer a hoss, I bow. ;-)

Best to you and yers.

Make me some biscuits n gravy, with pork, will ya . . . . Phred's on a hiatus. ;-)
Hey, how come my post posts quicker after midnight, than it does before midnight?

Is it the biscuits, or the gravy?

Wonder how this thing works . . "HIT IT WITH A ROCK N SEE IF IT MOVES"
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