Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sharks Opener / Poker Game?

Thursday night, Zeke's Bistro & Tiki Casino....don't call, just bring beer.
'nuff said.

"Thirty-Seven, Blue, Two Minutes, High Tiki."
No, but really!...I was just trying to help you with your jersey!!.....Drop The Puck!
Tear his jersey? How cliche.

A's are 2-0.

Could this be the year?

They make it out of the first round?

Huck Fockey . . . . mighta's well dress them in lil shorts and chase a ball back and forth . . . .

Course, any excuse to gather, rant, and take someone's money can't be ALL bad . . ;-)
Hey Martin, Zeke . .

I need yer phone numbers.
Uh, that last post was a 'witty retort' to the midnight madness at House Of Tub phone wise, not a real request . . . shut up and deal . . . Go A's!
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