Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Oh, mah Gawd

I can't believe we just can't turn on one of the 71 channels I get right now and watch some of this. Fucking hockey league pogues.

Buffalo 22-5?

What, is this early season NBA?

Killin me . . . . . . Zeke's gonna have a coronary.
Let's see...124 goals scored...divided by 30 games is...nucking futs.
Yeah, that's a lot for any NFL standards . . . .
Remember, if Zeke starts talkin trash, you got leverage on him . . . . ;-)
The Bills have only scored twice that amount. http://www.buffalobills.com/games/statscenter.html
Yeah, but the Bills score in dog years . . .
Alrighty then! (heeee's back!) How about them SABRES!!!!!! Now, that's what I call droppin the puck!
Hey Zeke, what are you doing out of bed? Six months ago, he couldn't even spell "norovirus".
THAT'S who he's been in bed with?

Who's Nora?

Hope yer getting better hoss, it that's the case of the UGLIEST flu . . . and congrats on Buffalo . . . . that's one HECK of a start!!!!!!

You've suffered enuff over the years, I'm sure . . ;-)
& I thougth tater whiskey the day after hurt! Yeah, Nora Jones....that's it, that's the ticket....(and the drama continues.....)
Ok, yer back.

Take it slow to start.

Don't go near the river . . . . ;-)
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