Friday, January 05, 2007

Party @ Zeke's Bistro, Saturday 1/6 @ noon

Hey Folks!

If'n ya didn't get the email, consider this yer special invitation!.....Tomorrow, Saturday 1/6 starting at noon, I would like to invite ya'll over to my place for some footballwatchinpokerplayingmusicalpickin&beerdrinkinfestivating in the traditional Howdy Style. The first game starts at 1:30, but the poker table opens at noon. Please bring your instruments as well so we can get us a jam going. If ya wanna play cards, please come prepared with appropriate change (singles!). I have a grille, so if'n ya wanna cook something or just bring a dish to share that would be cool, but cold beer is always acceptable.

This Just In: The Holidays are OVER! Let's get back to football & picking now!

Peace out,

The holidays are over?

Yer killin me.

Circus never left town . . . . . :O)

Missin it and all you Howdy Folk.

Remember, it's Zeke's place, so let him win at least ONE hand . . . . . n don't let him put up a banjo on a hand, either, you'll just hafta hear about it for a few months after . . . . ;-)
Hey Zeke

Sorry I could'nt make it. Unfortunately I was thousands of miles away in England and I don't know you anyway. You sure know how to have a good time though.
This buy Ed musta seen Zeke's phone number on a wall somewhere in a EuroTrash bathhouse . . . Hey Martin, tell me one MORE time this playoff season . . . what's gonna make the difference tween winnin n goin home? ;-)

It's like Lucy with the football, I gotta hear it from Martin once every year . . . :grin:
Tubdude, still waiting . . .

Starts with a D
Includes The T
Ends with Special . . . .

C'mon man . . . . it's not Esperanto, throw us a BONE, man . . . ;-)

Oh, BTW, GO PATS!!!! I'm concerned, though. Took them till the second half to make it a blowout.
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