Monday, April 23, 2007

Oh...and I didn't want to forget to mention...

Went to AT&T on sunday, from the boat show. Took The Ferry! The coolest thing in the world. They pick you up from Jack London, drop you off at McCovey cove an hour before the game, and take you back 20 minutes after the last out. $11 round trip.......AND.....they have a bar! Had cold Pacific Porters on the way to and fro. Next time I'm drivin' to Alameda, takin' the ferry in and out of the city. Forget the damn traffic. They have a giant free parking lot. Oh yeah, the Giants won, had to root for 'em cause they was playin the D Backs and Arizona has the better record in the west. Oh yeah...Dodgers in first!
Dang...that's a free beer compared to parking. If not more. AND you get a nice boat ride.
I didn't see any blood on anyone's socks that series.

Good, though.

Yeah, I'm just surprised that yer wife didn't drunk-dial me again to rub it in. Well, there's a whole bunch of games in the baseball season...& ya shouldn't be jinxing "your team" with such pictures & rants...wouldn't want yer poor little ball club to have yet another curse on them. Reckon we get another shot at ya this weekend in Yankee Stadium. We'll just have to wait & see who'l left standing in August. In the menatime...GO SHARKS & SABRES!
Yeah, the cellar's a bad place. I feel your pain and understand your bitterness and foreboding. I don't. Not to the Yankees.
'Martin's Drunk Dialing Wife'

You can't BUY those kinds of friends. At least she don't mind using a phone . . ;-)

I'd talk to her, or you Zeke, anytime. Drunk OR sober.

Martin? I just throw rocks at him . . wrapped with a message scrawled in some simple gibberish. What KILLS me, is he always GETS it.

Someone come to Sacto and let's see some Triple A Game! Dog's n mustard on me . . .
'But, I Threw a Rock...."
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