Saturday, November 10, 2007

Houston/Jones N Infamous Stringdusters Live Radio

The Howdy Boys N Buds are pickin and stumblin round playin wet n drunk golf while big red meat burns over open flames in the woods as I write this (sniff, whisht I was there), but by Tuesday night they'll all be back and needing a good Berry Fix . . so here it is for all you Howdian's:

Houston Jones, The Infamous Stringdusters (my kinda grass n how BOUT that Andy Hall on dobro!).

Tuesday Nite, 7-11 pm, live from Sierra Nevada Brewery in Chico, streamed on and listen live if yer in Sacto/Grass Valley KVMR 89.5 or Chico KZFR 90.1.

SOME technocrats I know of might wanna consider some rippin and soundforge editing not that I'd advocate anything illegal or like that . . . I haven't mastered the art of Audacity for taking a stream and editing it to tracks myself . . . I tried but have NO clue how to even begin, much less DO it . . .

Offsite emails on THAT would get you a free all fest beer pass at Larue's Cafe come this spring. Or anything ELSE I got to pour!


Happy Listening Howdians . . . n Howdy to all! *waves*

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