Sunday, April 20, 2008

Boat Show?

So I just got back from the boat show, or at least the hotel near the boat show. Didn't spend a lot of time at the show. Took the ferry out to Angel Island on friday and did the round the island bike trip, hit the show for Michaels band friday night, had too many Red Bull and Smirnoff's, gawd those things taste rank! Rode up to Lake Merrit on saturday, and then took the BART over to pier 39, and rode out to the Golden Gate and across and back. You know..had to do the touristy thang. Hopped the ferry back to Oaktown, hit the boat show saturday night for the Latts and Atts party, Good Timuh. Ran into some old friends, and then went to Yoshi's for Billy Cobham and friends. Got up, headed down the coast, then rode around Ano today on the way home. Lotsa fun, nice crowd, good timuh, many miles...and cocktails. I'm tired.

Life is good.

It's GOOD to have a life!! That's one heck of a few daze! Well struck!
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