Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Just Like The Boardwalk!

Only different. 

Same halter tops, and baseball caps backwards, though. 


That looks like a fun fest! Dude, War is killer. You've Got to make that one.
I got asparagus, GREAT asparagus for $1.39 a lb. I don't got crowds.

And as for War. I dunno, I think I heard enuff of it all on the radio, over and over and over for 40 years now. And it's not like it was with Lee Oskar or anything.

"All my friends . . " toot toot toot toot toot, toot toot toot . . . yawn
Malo now, with Jorge Santana? Yeah, I could hear that again. Heard it LAST in '99 here in Sacto, for a station promo fest I was involved in. They were good! Still!

"Music, is what we LIKE to play, yay yay."

Yeah, I could do THAT again. *G*
All daaayyy..

All daaayyyy....

All dayyyyyy Music...

Great stuff, I dug War 30 years ago.
Ya know...Cisco Kid coulda been about computer chips.
Yeah, like that booooring Flatt and Scruggs stuff from the 40's. It's, like, so old. Country Gentlemen? P'shaaa. Where's some fresh music? My ears can't take anything memorable.

Like the radio beats a food fest. I blow my nose at you, son of a silly person.
Hey, the radio beat the shit out of almost EVERY song. Still does, same old tracks. So I got tired of a lot of it.

War being one of it.

I'm no progressive alt kinda guy like YOU people are, but I AM tired of a lot of the old stuff.

I'd eat deep fried asparagus and shoulder thru a hundred thousand folks all day if it was Malo, maybe.

N DAWG I hoped you used a hankie, Tub. *G*

"M'sieu, I fart in your general direction."

Speakin of oldies, huh . . . lol
Oh just play that one ya'll do already....
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