Friday, December 19, 2008

I Got Schooled And I Admit It

I had NO idea who these guys were but in a long and patient blog dialogue I was told so.

Arlan Roth (he's not even on my dobro email list that I know of) an Lee Roy Panell.

Two slide pickers, another killer git picker, and the rest of the band.

This shit is as good of white boy blues as any I've heard since Butterfield Blues or Roy Rogers and Norton.


STFU and listen.

You people heard of these two?

Or am I the ONLIEST idjit in this one . . .

Just a typo, just a typo, nothing to see here, move along now, move along.

It's Arlen with an E. Played with Dylan, Prine, Simon and Garfinkle, and my favorie...Dixie Dregs with Steve Morse. Even did a stint with Rick wakeman of Yes. One of the best Telecaster players I've ever seen. Shreds like Albert Lee' Buy one of his solo tele won't be able to put it down...

Just a tip!
Hey, I've read their bio's (nice summary ya shared too, Dave) and such now.

Like I said, how I missed these two . . . mostly cuz I wasn't tuned in as deep from '78 on until KPIG in '98 and Berry Fest in ')1. And getting a computer at home in '03 helped.

And now I know. I like his slide work best. *G*
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