Friday, December 12, 2008
Moon Over . . . YOU!

As all you post work county pub crawlers get yer first beers into ya, go outside and look up.
If there's fog, go back inside, order some more beers, and a round of Bushmills for everyone and toast someone.
Hell, if there's no fog, go back inside and order some more beers and a round of Bushmills for every on and toast someone anyways.
No sense in wasting a good reason to lift some Bushmills.
And if yer driving, call someone to pick ya up or leave yer car and keys with the barmaid.
Maybe, if yer Dave, she'll take ya home and let ya sleep on the couch. *G*
Slainte Mhath all ya Howdian's. It's a full moon for the year. Go look. *G*
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Funny thing, seeing as I passed on Martin's friendly offer to pick my gimpy ass up on the way to the pub last night....walking out my door this morning at 6:30 AM to be greeted by a beautiful full moon....and then seeing Martin's car in the "Point's" parking lot on the way to work...I'de have to say Good Call on yer behalf!
However, he's prolly a little sizzled seeing as the 'Aints got their post season hopes stifled by the Bears (again) last night.
But the Sharks won again and that's always good!
Funny thing, seeing as I passed on Martin's friendly offer to pick my gimpy ass up on the way to the pub last night....walking out my door this morning at 6:30 AM to be greeted by a beautiful full moon....and then seeing Martin's car in the "Point's" parking lot on the way to work...I'de have to say Good Call on yer behalf!
However, he's prolly a little sizzled seeing as the 'Aints got their post season hopes stifled by the Bears (again) last night.
But the Sharks won again and that's always good!
They ran out of Bushmill so Cuz had to supplement with Jameson's. We sat on the couch until my neck gave up and I had to sit at the bar and piss off Heather. All part of the service, missy.
Yeah, a good time was had by all. Including us! Way too comfortable, couch, waitress, game, couch, game, waitress, couch, get the idea.
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