Wednesday, January 07, 2009

AND...while I'm posting RIPs and Vids...

56 Years RIP Hank (don't call him Hiram, he hates it) Williams the First.

Is Hank in that clip somewhere? Wow, what a great snapshot of June and The Family . . . . Ole Hank was twitchin his knees LONG before Elvis did. *G* Good stuff . . .
Dave the Wave has a good story about seeing John and June at the Santa Cruz Civic and her standing at the edge of the stage telling the hippies not to look up her skirt while she's flashing them. Whatta ham. When that shoe takes off, I busted up.
Yeh, when they were kids, huh . . . . sigh.

I'm gonna work on my ham, it's gotten weak. Ham is important to have. Keeps ya young. My ham is withering away with the ticking of the clock.

Here's to more ham in everyone. So to speak.

I'm bringing my new ham to SpringBerry, once I figger out what it is. And I doubt flashing my skirt is it.

But 'Searching For Ham' is a worthy goal, and we all need goals.

Like Diogenes, I'll live in a tub and carry a camp lantern and wander the nights of BerryFest in search of ham. Wait, I think I'm mixing parts, AND meta fours. Oh well.

Slainthe! *G*

Oh, and Bob Calkins died, I heard. Speaking of Wierd Creatures.
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