Monday, March 02, 2009

Hell Of A Night. In Tunisia.

Sometimes, there's just more to Butterfield, Bloomfield, Bishop And Naftlin lettin loose and swappin 4's.

This is one of those times that transcends anything rock could, or bluegrass could, ever do.

Cuz it's the zschazzzzzz, zut alor!!

Wait to the end, where Diz and his protegee swap it, spit and all.

Read the lineup of the band. Geebuz. Note the ladies holding court in the trombone section.

This clip is bitchen for a LOT of reasons . . . historical reasons, life changing reasons, planet shaping reasons.

Chicks In The Trombone Section? A LOT of them? Teh Diz was a monster, like Benny Goodman was. As a band leader, they changed things not only in music, but for all people.

The tempo changes alone phreak my mind . . . and that's what the song's allus been about . . . but THIS clip, to use the worn cliche . . . this clip's fuckin definitive.

Hattip to the rightous STELLA, and Crooks N Liars From Whence It Came To Me.

Shut up and pick indeed . . . now go honk yer OWN horns, Howdians . . . . honk them loud.

The Planet's Waiting For YOUR Change . . . bring it.

A night in Tunisia
Uploaded by dow30

Gotta tell ya, us poor folks that can only surf the net at a gov't puter cannot see any of this shit yer posting. Bunch of blank white box's all over Camp Howdy Website...kinda depressing, and against Martin's best instructions, I aint coughin up a couple of grand for a working home puter in these economic times...ogtta actually like go to Live Festivals, travel to Mexico, & spend time in the real world...I know, ridiculous as it may seem to shut-ins, but I'm just wrankled that I can't see all this cool time consuming shit yer finding...but good on ya!
Zeke, my dear friend (he says in his best Molinari voice), it brings me great joy just to know ya care enuff to visit and even think about anything I post.

SO sorry for the white space and the things yer missin on.

But for $800 or so, ya could get a home rig, used, with as much beef as Angus Ranch has on a rainy day. Hell, you KNOW people who could BUILD you a rig (not MAC) for $800 or less, that would have more guts than what any of us have at home . .

I hear ya about festin n travelin money, though. Times are hard, gettin harder . . . .

I wish you and yours well, and all of Howdy, too.

You govt folks, I ESPECIALLY wish all y'all well.

Budgets bein what they are the best way to keep yer jobs will be to dream up lucrative (and hopefully, legal) revenue streams . . . . translated, that means find some really really rich people to fund county gov. *G*

I'm THIS close to gainful employment (ok, fine, it's Bob Uecker close) . . . . course, like Bruce Brown once directed, "ya shoulda been here, YESterday . . . . . . so we hope to see all y'all come Spring Berry. If not, you'll hear me wailin like a lost cub up a tree.

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