Friday, May 15, 2009

Howdy Thought For The Day-Irony

I saw Tony Rice, live, three times . . . with David Grisman's Original Quintet.

All at Great American Music Hall . . . . once with Doc N Merle. *G*

And once with Stephane Grapelli . . . wow . . yeah, I was there that night. I got the recording, too. (no, I got the recording recently from DimeADozen, I"m not a taper) *G*

I've never seen him before, or since.

I missed ALL his bluegrass stuff, aside from what I've got in my music library.

YOU people, likely never saw original Grisman Quintet. Kids you are . . . *G*

Yet, you saw Tony Tone countless times at Berry.

Fuckin wierd.

I'm listening to and a 9 minute version of Tony on 'Shenendoah'.

That's how this came up . . . resume yer normal doings . . . . best to all.


(you can NEVER have enuff music)

Tub, ewe got county email . . . . don't know if yer off Monday . . .
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