Monday, August 31, 2009

Are Lizzie N Dave Comin?

They's fun.

They aren't coming and yes, they're fun.

I think I need a dolphin pillow to put in a chair and party with. It can lose its voice around Saturday.
Dang, gonna miss them. Heck, sometimes she don't make it to Friday . . *G* When ya leavin?
Noon, Wednesday...oh, wait..

Allay'all sure are bein' extra quiet after the fest. What'd the rest of us miss?
More fun than any 5000 people should EVER have!

Yeeeeeeeeeeeee...having said that,

I couldn't have had any fun. I came home with beer in the cooler, my feet and car both clean and still married to the same woman.
No, really. After an afternoon at the Rainbow Pools scrubbing my feet with granite and then a night at the Hotel Charlotte in Groveland with the soaking tub blasting me for about an hour, I got most of the dirt off. There's a car wash in Groveland next to the firehouse. $2.50 took the pine stuff right off.

or the Element?
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