Friday, August 21, 2009

Nice plot

Hmm, that WAS interesting. SOME producer got themself a dark side fo sho.

So, Alvin And Guilty Women Thurs, Rodney Fri, Del Sat and WPA on Sun.

Then there's The Time Jumpers and one of the greatest pedal steel git pickers of all time.

And more! Gyro's, Blackberry Cobbler.

Temps in the mid 70's to lo 80's!!!! Maybe in the lo 40's at night! PERFECT sleepin weather!

IGBOBLAB. *sniff*
So, Friday is going to be exciting.
1. Just waking up at Strawberry on a Friday.
2. Will Kimbrough with a breakfast pint.
3. Brave Combo Dance Party
4. Cocktails at 4!
5. Belleville at 5:45
'Temps in the mid 70's to lo 80's!!!! Maybe in the lo 40's at night! PERFECT sleepin weather!'


5. Belleville at 5:45

Now THAT's a fiddle player!
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