Friday, August 21, 2009

Timmeh, Chiefehs, Shady Grove

Alas, no embed allowed, so clicky on linky.

Berry Time, so close, you can taste the BlackBerry Cobbler And Ice Cream.

"My little love."

Regrets and condolances and hopes for Brookfield Lodge to spring forth anew.

Dave, I got a one pound hunk of abalone today, from honey's work . . . a diver she works with and I don't KNOW where he took it.

But it's gettin et Friday night, with EVOO, some ground panko and seasonings, and a lemon buerre blanc.

A pound, or more, Dave. And it ain't conch. *G*

Wish you were here, hoss . . . see ya on da mountain . . .

BTW, bring some AHI, Martin want's tuna burgers, and who are we to deny him? *G*

OH what the hay, here's some Del doin Greatful Dead with Chieftons. Bless Del!

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