Thursday, April 15, 2010

And now for something completely different...

Ain't nuttun wrong at all with Melissa Auf der Mar. I'm not sayin'...I'm just sayin'.

SOME one's got his horns up.

And I may be wrong about the Gyros! Today of course Lincecum carried it all, against a weak Dodger starter. But I'm seeing some decent middle relief, and they have more offense than I they would.

We'll see how it all ads up on a road trip against top teams, but I admit, I sold them a bit short.
Some day, you will ache like I ache.

OK...ever since the Sawks kept winning I've found a home in the long-suffering Giants.

I fake it so real that I am beyond fake...

Rock and roll...hootchie koo.

Back to you, Red.
Always kinda liked Courtney until she started lookin' like Lucille 80!

Oh and Go Dodgers, Go Lakers, and good to see the refs gettin' it right in the Celtics game.

For a change.

I wouldn't have suspended Garnett, butt givin' him the boot and lettin' 'em play was the right thing to do.
Zito spends another 7 1/3 with no runs!

I'm phreakin here.

Dave N Martin alluz cornfuze me, so that's a draw.

Christ, even the A's are getting good bay area press.

Who's Garnett? Courtney?

You people always confuse me.

Nice pics Dave. Yer good as long as ya stick to the pics. Sports wise?

Fuckin Manny, and I like him.

Steps up in the 8th, and buh by. Dinger.

If he has a whole year, and hits 40 or 50, I'm gonna REALLY like him.

And I don't care WHAT the Dodgers do.

Back to you, Chet.
"Goodbye Mr. Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaulding!"
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