Friday, December 03, 2010

We Lost A Gamer

Most hit by a pitch, Cubbie heart, great 3 bag, 2200+ hits . . . fierce competitor and loyal teammate.

A heart as big as the universe.

Bless You, Ron Santo.

They should put him onto the Hall immediately. Now. No votes, just put him in.

I'm sure Ron would understand it when I just say, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, SANTO YER A BUM! SIT...DOWN!!!
You'd boo yer own mother if she crowded the plate, I bet . . .

But hey, like Spike Cobb, I'd gash MY mom if she was tryin to block the 2 bag.

Spikes high, and sharpened . . .

Play to win.

End of story,
If my mom didn't have an SF on her hat, I'd yell, "STICK IT IN HER EAR!!!" The woman digs in and crowds the plate. I love her but she's too good to the opposite field. Ya gotta pitch her inside.
Dawg bless yer heart, and yer mom's.

And all them vital organs as Duffey would say.

Given what I know of you, yer Mom is someone I'd be lucky to meet . . .

Bless her for having ya . . . we live on, as best we can . . .

N glad to know ya . . . ;-)

Really. I mean it.
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