Friday, January 28, 2011

Ok, Weekend's Here, New Post/Old Guys

Well, old blood for a new post . . . what's to quibble over semantics.

At 5:40 or so for a few minutes (the previe 2 minutes are kewl too) Jerry, Bobby N Phil just groove it so good it hurts.

Definitely at the top of their game in that few minutes, what the magic was all about.

Edit: Every movement on stage of those guys, specially Bobby (well, lots of them movements), was a musical cue of one or another. Another aspect of that band, the utter and entire communication spectrum used, even body language, to lead and weave the magic woven. N to keep Jerry in the game, I guess . . . lol

Ah hayall, a twofer, here's some grass.

Happy Friday N Weekend, Howdy!

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