Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Spring Berry?

Who went?

I seen a few CUZ sightings in some of John Pierce's (Webhog) pics, but that was it from all I've seen fropm the BerryFest sites.

Looks like it was cold n wet, perfect festin!

Does anyone ever post or comment in here anymore?

WHat happened to everyone Howdy?

Hey Larue, spring was Great! I've tried to post here, and it won't let me do original posts or pics. I asked Tubbub about it at spring and he said he just don't worry about it anymore. I'll eshmail ya some pics when I can!
PS.....Go Here!/media/set/?set=a.1765247653305.2091657.1302554140

I hope this works.
Huh, Dave I've had no problems posting in here, pics or not. Funny.

Anyhoots, yer link sez page unavailable. Beats me . . .

Oh, cuz you added an s to the http tag. DOH!
Ok, nope that didn't work. Page unavailable.

Oh well, glad to hear ya had fun!

Yeah, email is best I guess.

So The Tub was there also? Kewl.

Howdy had reps . . . good.
It would appear to me Dave your FB link is too long for that column it's in, it won't copy fully because it's buried under the right side of the publish your comment box . . . just email me the FB link?
Maybe you need to get into MyFace or FaceSpace or something. I bet that's why you can't see them. I gave up on Blogger. It's just easier to use MyFace.
Well, it seems the death knell for this site has been pealed.

It was a good site in its heyday.

All y'all stay in touch with us once in a while, will ya?

'Use the Tub Luke......'
'May the Tub be with you'
'If I had a Tub like that, I'd Never Leave My House!'
'Old Tub's Rule'
'Good Tub.....Good'
'Once a Tub always a Tub'
'Tubjunction Junction, what's your function?'
'A Tub's as good as a a blind horse'
'You have Tequila'

And the #1 thing we learned at Strawberry this spring?

'Disneyland Is NOT The Happiest Place On Earth!'


So, where do I go to catch up with all y'all hip hi tech puppers?
It's just easier to use MyBook. Or FaceSpace. Something like that. Time to join.
Microsoft Vista Tub?
I had a nice organic chai wheatgrass tub for lunch!
These are not the droids you're looking for.....
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